Solvida Hotels Group Philosophy

Since the beginning of our journey on June 21, 1999, 20 years ago, our commitment to “Continuous Improvement” has been firm and determined.
Abet that represents one of the fundamental pillars of our history and the “Augusta Experience”, which thousands of people know and enjoy year after year, giving us the greatest of the prizes to which we can aspire: their fidelity.

From then until today, creating unique experiences is our true passion and driving force. After 20 years of experience, it prevails a direct and complex idea. (re) Evolution is the solution.
Evolution and revolution confer an imprint, a character, that is alive and encoded in the DNA of the AUGUSTA SPA RESORT, as well as in that of its entire human team.

We should never lose heart, joy nor curiosity. Incredibly powerful forces that drive us to achieve our goals. Our best version. In modern societies, we have lost part of our passion, and we no longer do things because we like to do it, but because we believe it is what we should do. And we must discover our vocation and live it with passion for our society to keep moving forward. Being a reference in this industry carries a great responsibility; one that implies the need for continuous evolution and innovation, to help us place ourselves at the forefront of hospitality, in a firm and unioned commitment by the entire human team of Augusta Spa Resort. The expansion and renewal of our services and facilities or the creation of sensory experiences that enhance all the senses in each of your visits to the Augusta Spa Resort with the highest quality products are a clear hallmark of our DNA, of our future project, as well as of our natural (re) evolution.

The integrative wellness combines in a synergistic binomial: health and vacations, rest and balance to give shape to a new highly specialized, innovative and effective offer, that starts from a philosophy with a 360º approach that allows you to have a global vision of the person and provides you with comprehensive well-being in the long term…
Integrative wellness is no longer understood as a visit to a good Spa in which to receive good massages and some hydrotherapy techniques.

It is a philosophy of integral well-being taken to a higher level. A new fully integrative and global approach, where the possibility of attending and caring for the guest is offered in an integral way, from their diet to the practice of exercise, through the best health treatments, or body-mind rest like the one It is favoured and enhanced thanks to a privileged and magical environment such as the Rías Baixas and the Padriñán Valley.